


Exhibition|Alctron 2018 NAMM SHOW came to an ending!

The NAMM SHOW is sponsored by the NationalAssociation of Music Merchants and holds in Anaheim nearby L.A in Jan. eachyear. The NAMM SHOW, Germany Musikmesse exhibition both are the most successand influence world EXPO. 

Alctron have already finished 15th anniversary celebration and someof us went to USA to take part in the NAMM SHOW. After detailed arrangement,during NAMM SHOW Alctron offered a wonderful electronic product feast. ThisNAMM SHOW laid a solid foundation to Alctron next 15yearsdevelopment.

Nowplease follow my step to look back NAMM SHOW’s wonderful scene:


 Alctron team pic

Theoutstanding “Alctron blue” exhibition booth




    Alctron exhibition booth in side view

Through 15-year high speed development,Alctron owns powerful D & R ability. The entire showing products in boothare Alctron’s wisdom, owing independent intellectual property rights. What’smore, the showing products’ unit and kind create a new record in NAMM SHOW. Itincludes condenser mic, monitor headphone, audio equipment and standaccessories four kinds product, totally more than 100 products. Especially newmic, monitor headphone and Bluetooth headphone attract your eyeballs. 

Placingthe sample as its own function

micshowing booth

Morethan 30 mics are on exhibition booth, besides CS55, CM6, BETA3, TL39 theseregular mics also some new products showing to you. The most outstanding newproduct is CX5 condenser mic.


salesmanintroduce mic to customer

Thisis a noble mic

CX5 is a condenser mic with cardioids polarpattern. No matter its beautiful appearance or warmth sound quality or packinglist, all attract customers’ eyes. One customer said: since I saw it, I can notforget and want to take away.


The packing list


  Headphone showing area

Comparedwith mic, headphone R & D is a little later than microphone. After someyears’ development, Alctron produces more than 20 kinds’ headphone, includingregular headphone and new headphone.

The new R & D headphone HE815 and HE820 arethe major products in NAMM SHOW. Compared with regular headphone, these twoheadphones focus more on functional and practical. HE815 headphone canrestrain most unwanted resonance. It ensures a good auditory effect on deepbass while plays the high frequency sounds in excellent articulation.

HE820 isa semi-open Bluetooth monitor headphone, press the POWER for 3 seconds to turnon/off the headphone. Whenconnecting to phone, there is an incoming call, please click the power key forvoice call, click the power key again to hang up. Meanwhile, HE820 achieves USBcharging which attract customer’s interesting to looking and listening.


Audioequipment showing area

ThisNAMM SHOW alctron exhibits more than 30 units DI box, power supply, headphoneamp. Our H6n, H8n headphone amplifiers welcomed by customers.

new product H6n, H8n headphone amplifier


Our salesman introducedheadphone amp to customer and customer said some of them already used Alctronproducts. Alctron achieved outstanding achievements and many customers showedtheir willingness to cooperate with Alctron.

Standaccessories showing area

Alctron new product MS180 monitor speakerstand, PF52 desktop windscreen, VB860 studio windscreen showed in the showing area.

The new product MS180 rewarded highattention, its angle adjustable and height adjustable make speaker always inyour ideal position. Through the field simulation demonstration, clientapproved the MS180 and also affirmed Alctron’s D & R tech.


MS180 applying pic

Summary:four days NAMM SHOW came to an end, during four days exhibition, many clientsfrom various countries approved Alctron’s D & R tech. Alctron founded morethan 15 years, thank you for your support and trust. In future, we will stickto “customer supremacy, quality audio equipment manufacturer” policy. See youlater at Germany Musikmesse exhibition.